First Grade

First Grade: A Solid Foundation

First graders are given every opportunity to participate in all areas of learning in our school. They are involved in science lab, music productions, art class, computer lab, and Spanish classes. All of the enrichment classes are taught with their thinking and listening skills in mind. In addition to regular physical education classes, first graders enjoy time on the playground each day, because free play is essential in a structured movement. The curriculum has been designed to fit their needs and interests. Movement has been incorporated into the classroom regularly to keep attention engaged.

Small Group Engaged Learning

Learning in First Grade at Wesley Prep follows the Workshop Model of Learning. New skills are presented in a whole group setting. From there, students flow through a time period of small group engaged instruction and independent work stations. This style of learning allows for differentiation to be incorporated throughout each subject, on a daily basis, so that the needs of every student are met. Technology, such as iPads, computers and ActiveBoards are integrated within the workshop. Participatory projects enhance all areas of learning.

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